Your Mojo

July 7, 2012

nearly everything i need to say after i've started to shed the weight of what's been heavy on my mind  (from one friend to another)

gotta get your mojo back.  You gotta lay the track that leads you on from here.
you know this but it seems sometimes like you're inhibited by fears (that i am yet unable to define).

I can provide plenty of examples of optimism
and you provide me with more routes to wisdom.

I'm familiar with the solace of the solo traveler.
But my passion
has provoked me to be the great unraveler--
to peel at the layers of experiences and reflect,
cut apart and reassemble intriguing concepts, evaluate where I am,
so I can embrace the strength I've acquired and pursue what I have
not finished yet.  To add to the ways I create each day,
and marvel at the way
I've managed to collect
souvenirs in stories tied to people and places--
those pieces collectively forming my spiritual oasis,
and the core of what allows me to keep trying.

And I would be lying if I didn't admit
I'd like to travel with you.
But there's nothing to keep us from crossing paths 
as long as I don't misplace my recognition
or let my confidence relapse.

There will be times you see sides of me few people see--
I take comfort in your effort to understand me.
And I will not try to be what I think you need--you're right--
I'm doing fine being me.
I am redirecting certain energies less suited for my time with you
so as not to confuse
either of us.

It's so much more fun to express when my mind is unclouded,
and I'm getting back to the rhyme that I started out with--

It isn't only for selfish reasons I reiterate the fact
that you do need to get your passion back.

Yes, with age comes a degree of drain.
But you know better than most how small efforts can realign,
little disciplines calibrate the body and mind.
I won't preach at you about methods;
you discover those for yourself.
But I can help.

I do have some insights that'll prove useful for us both--
those examples of the sparks that've lit fires in my own quest toward growth.

It's never a waste to gain something real in a world where 
so much is produced,
where it's easy but uncommon to encounter substance and truth.

Both of us have some distance from our youth, but we'd be 
fools to believe
that life ever stops challenging us just when we feel we've reached
solid ground.
There will always be factors tempting another meltdown.

I have ways (like a white magic woman) of pushing through.
And I will always be willing to share 
some time
with you
when we aren't busy doing the other things we have to do.


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