lontal frobotomy


Perhaps we have simply become used to response (conditioned) instead of creating.
What the Bleep do We Know?

When I confront my lack of control over the world, then I find ways to eliminate that sense of helplessness. I find ways to exert my power. Sometimes I cannot sleep and I stay up all night rearranging my living room furniture. Sometimes I write a letter to someone. Sometimes I listen to music. Sometimes I just lie there and think but my thoughts try to take me to places where there is no light and no point.
I have become a night person because that happens to be the time of day when there is not some obligation to which I am forced to exert my energy. My creativity, especially for writing, seems to be nocturnal.

Stepping outside, I am stepping away from myself. So in order to feel at home, I seek relationships that allow me to feel the same sense of comfort, of self-awareness, that I can achieve from within the four walls of my little cabin.

Frontal lobe decisions. Choice.
Socially constructed concepts of right and wrong.
The ratio of our frontal lobe to the rest of the brain is what sets people apart from other beings.

“Most people already have a lobotomy” --What the Bleep


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